Challenging Behaviors
Do you have a child whose behaviors challenge you? Have you read all the books, and listened to all the podcasts, but you still can't figure out what to do? Have you tried everything, but nothing works? Do you want to know the secret to minimizing children's behaviors...
Learning Through Play
I teach a workshop by this title, but also include the topic of learning through play in many other trainings. So often teachers tell me they provide time for children to play, but that “play” time is interrupted by teacher activities, small groups, or otherwise...
What Kind of Observer Are You?
I had the opportunity to visit St. John’s Episcopal Preschool in Washington, D.C. St. John’s program is inspired by the philosophy of the preschools in Reggio Emilia, Italy. And inspired it is! When my good friend and colleague, DJ Jensen asked what I liked best...
Inspiring Curiosity and Wonder
Young children are fascinated with anything that stimulates their senses. Consider the newborn that is drawn to human faces and the sound of Mommy’s voice, or the toddler who delights in blowing and chasing bubbles, and the preschooler who can’t get enough...
Did Piaget Lay the Foundation for Racial Identity Development?
Schemas. That is quite a mouthful. It’s a term that you don’t hear very often. Certainly not in everyday conversation. It’s typically not in education either. So what is a schema? In its simplest definition, a schema is a plan or representation. It is a way in which...
Staying Sane When Everything is Falling Apart
March 12, 2020. That was the last day things seemed "normal" in my world. That was the day it was announced that as of 5 PM Friday, March 13, 2020, all schools would close. Childcare centers would close and could reopen with permission, to serve Essential personnel...